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Simplified AES

Simplified AES is an educational algorithm to understand AES encryption algorithm , Simplified AES has the exact same structure of AES but with smaller parameters. Simplified AES takes 16 bits input block, 16 bits key and produces 16 bits output block cipher. Encryption Algorithm Simplified AES encryption algorithm uses 4 different functions transformations Add key Nibble substitution Shift row Mix column Encryption algorithm itself consists of 3 rounds and each round contains functions
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AES takes a plaintext block 16 bytes (128 bits) and key length 16, 24, 32 bytes (128, 192, 256 bits) AES-128, AES-192, AES-256 depending on key length. The input to encryption or decryption algorithm in AES is 128 bits block = 16 bytes as 4x4 matrix, this matrix is copied into a state array, then the state array passes through and modified in each stage and then the state array is copied to output matrix.
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